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Ken's Weiß Underwear Drawer
1) My sister can die for all I care...
2)Mr. Takotori, would you like some tea...?
3)<playing teatime with dolls> Now Ms. Tinkie Winkie Bear doesn't get any cookies for giving me that attitude...
4)Sakura...I'm just using you for the sex...
5)Why should I have to kill people...all I wanna do is...<all of a sudden in disco clothes and makes the disco postion>...DANCE!!!!!!!
6)But...I wanna go to DisneyLand...
7)Oh assasins just wanna have fu-un...
8)<valley girl accent>Like, oh my god, it's Brittney Spears...oh god, I'm, like, gonna faint...<faints>
9)<to Omi>Sure...I'll fix your pants...^.^<plung>
10)YAY!!!! FRAPPIES AND DO-NOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11)<to Ken> YOU LIKE MY MAN'S MOM'S BREASTS!!!!!!!
12)<looking through a dictionary> Dickie...hankie pankie...ah! Here we go! Kinky!
13)<to Ken> ...and then I got the manucure and then I went shopping again, and then...<Ken dozes to sleep>
14)Some day, I will...BE IN A MAJOR BALLET COMPANY!!!!!<does a piroutte>
15)Farfie...when are you caming to bed?
16)<crying><points to Brad Crawford>HE HURT MY TOESY WOESY!!!!!
18)< in a lephracan outfit> Come catch me lucky charms...they're magically DELICIOUS!!!!!!!
19)<Sees Omi dressed as Eternal Sailor Moon then dresses up as Tuxedo Mask>
Aya: I'm Here, Eternal Sailon Moon!!!
Omi: <sees Aya> Aya, tuxedo Mask isn't even in this part of the series. Niether is Mamo-chan!
Aya: <cofused> Huh? What do you mean?
Omi: Mamo-chan's dead, you moron!!!
20) < in a neko costume> MEOW!!!!!